Bintang dan Dollar dalam bulan Ramadan?

Hello & Salamun A’laikumQS 06:54
In The Name Of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Star bermaksud bintang, manakala bucks adalah erti kepada wang dolar amerika, di mana mereka lebih memanggil bucks berbanding US dollar dalam perbualan seharian. Star + Bucks = Starbucks.

Apabila melihat kepada jualan di starbucks untuk berbuka puasa bagi umat islam di Malaysia. Rasa meremang bulu roma malah sedih jika masih ada sesiapa yang tidak mengambil berat  isu umat islam di seluruh dunia, khasnya muslimin di Palestin.

‘Boikot Israel’ sudah lama berlangsung, terutamanya maklumat dan kempen “Boycott Israel Campaign” masih berjalan sehingga saat ini. Lebih-lebih dilancarkan oleh ‘Innovative Minds’ dalam laman sesawang (website)-nya memperincikan bilangan barang-barang, jenama-jenama, syarikat-syarikat dan apa jua yang mempunyai kaitan dengan Israel, patut di boikot dengan kesedaran diri dan maklumat yang telah disisipkan begitu dalam perinciannya; justeru itu, ia menjadikan sebab “mengapa saya perlu boikot israel!?”

Begitu juga dengan Starbucks. Israel dan USA (yang merupakan rakan karib negara haram itu), sehinggakan ada orang kata, memang sangat tepatlah nama starbucks itu mengaitkan hubungan israel dan USA menerusi maksud Star = star of David, serta Bucks = US Dollar. Kedua-dua ini terang lagi bersuluh musuh kepada umat islam.

Maklumat Penting [klik]:
1. Mengapa Boikot Israel?
2. Mengapa Boikot Starbucks?

Ten Facts about the Nakba

Hello & Salamun A’laikumQS 06:54
In The Name Of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

[NOTE: This message/article originally brought by Aqsa Syarif Berhad] 15.05.2012

Sixty years ago, more than 700,000 Palestinians lost their homes and belongings, their farms and businesses, their towns and cities. Jewish militias seeking to create a state with a Jewish majority in Palestine, and later, the Israeli army, drove them out. Israel rapidly moved Jews into the newly-emptied Palestinian homes. Nakba means “catastrophe” in Arabic, and Palestinians refer to the destruction of their society and the takeover of their homeland as an-Nakba, “The Catastrophe.”

Ten Facts about the Nakba

1. The Nakba is a root cause of the Israeli/Palestinian problem.

It is marked on May 15, the day after Israel declared its independence in 1948.

2. This traumatic event created the Palestinian refugee crisis.

By the end of 1948, two-thirds of the Palestinian population was exiled. It is estimated that more than 50% were driven out under direct military assault. Others fled as news spread of massacres committed by Jewish militias in Palestinian villages like Deir Yassin and Tantura.

3. Jewish leaders saw “transfer” as an important step in the establishment of Israel.

Jewish leaders spoke openly of the need to use military clashes to expel as many Palestinians as possible before other Arab countries could come to their defense. The Haganah militia’s Plan Dalet was the blueprint for this ethnic cleansing. Israel’s first Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion, said “We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.” (See what other leading Israelis have said about transfer.)

4. Hundreds of Palestinian villages and towns were destroyed.

Jewish forces depopulated more than 450 Palestinian towns and villages, most of which were demolished.

5. Palestinian property and belongings were simply taken.

The newly-established Israeli government confiscated refugee land and properties without respect to Palestinian rights or desires to return to their homes.

Israeli historian Tom Segev reported that: “Entire cities and hundreds of villages left empty were repopulated with new [Jewish] immigrants… Free people – Arabs – had gone into exile and become destitute refugees; destitute refugees – Jews – took the exiles’ places in the first step in their lives as free people. One group [Palestinians] lost all they had while the other [Jews] found everything they needed – tables, chairs, closets, pots, pans, plates, sometimes clothes, family albums, books radios, pets….

6. Some Palestinians stayed in what became Israel.

While most Palestinians were driven out, some remained in what became Israel. Although citizens of the new state, they were subject to Israeli military rule until 1966. Today, Palestinian citizens of Israel comprise nearly 20 percent of Israel’s population. They have the right to vote and run for office, but more than 20 Israeli laws explicitly privilege Jews over non-Jews. Nearly one-quarter of Israel’s Palestinians are “internally displaced” persons, unable to return to the homes and lands that were taken from them.

7. There are still millions of Palestinian refugees dispersed around the world.

Today, there are 4.4 million Palestinian refugees registered as such with the United Nations, and at least another estimated 1 million who are not so registered. Thus a majority of the Palestinian people, around 10 million persons, are refugees.

8. Refugees have internationally-recognized rights.

All refugees enjoy internationally-recognized rights to return to areas from which they have fled or were forced out, to receive compensation for damages, and to either regain their properties or receive compensation and support for voluntary resettlement. This right has been explicitly acknowledged in recent peace agreements in Cambodia, Rwanda, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Guatemala, Northern Ireland, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Burundi, and Darfur. This right was affirmed for the Palestinians by the United Nations Resolution 194 of 1948. Israel, however, does not allow Palestinian refugees to return, although a Jew from anywhere in the world can settle in Israel.

9. Justly resolving refugee rights is essential to Middle East peace.

An overwhelming majority of Palestinians believes that refugee rights must be fulfilled for peace between Palestinians and Israelis to endure. And according to an August 2007 poll by the Jerusalem Media and Communications Center, nearly 70 percent believe that refugees should be allowed to return to “their original land”.

10. The Nakba has implications for Americans.

Israel’s ongoing denial of Palestinian rights – and unconditional U.S. financial and diplomatic support for Israel – fuels anti-American sentiment abroad. A 2002 Zogby poll, conducted in eight Arab countries showed that “the negative perception of the United States is based on American policies, not a dislike of the West.” The same poll showed that “the Palestinian issue was listed by many Arabs among the political issues that affect them most personally.” Resolution of the Palestinian refugee issue would undoubtedly improve America’s international image, by proving that the U.S. government supports the consistent application of international law.

Palestin Memenangi Keahlian UNESCO.

Hello & Salamun A’laikum – QS 06:54
In The Name Of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Isnin : 31.10.2011 – Penulis ingin ber-kongsi satu pen-capaian ke atas Palestin, di-mana ia sgt di-kenali dgn mangsa ke-tidak adilan sama ada hak asasi manusia & hak se-buah negara y memang telah ter-tegak di tanah suci al-Quds itu, lalu sejarah mem-perlihat-kan rakusan, penjajahan, penindasan serta rampasan oleh Zionist Israel lalu menubuh-kan negara Haram Zionis Israel ke atas rakyat & negara Palestin y ter-diri drpd ‘multi ethnic & religous’.

Pada tarikh ter-sebut, Palestin telah memenangi 2/3 undian dlm menyertai UNESCO di Paris, Perancis.

Di dalam mesyuarat UNESCO itu, Palestin telah menerima undi “YES” drpd 107 negara, manakala 14 menentang & 52 tidak ber-pihak mana2x (abstaining).

Di samping itu, The United States of America(USA), Canada & Germany menentang keterlibatan ke-ahli-an Palestin. France, Brazil, Russia, China, India, South Africa & France ber-pihak ke atas Palestin. Britain tidak di antara 2 pihak.

[NOTE : Berita lanjut : Palestine Wins Full UNESCO Membership]

    p.s Walau apa pun keadaan y baik atau sebalik-nya berlaku terhadap Palestina, kita tetap me-nyambung sokongan, infaq, sumbangan, doa’ & sbg-nya.

Lihat-lah, apa y telah di-laku-kan oleh USA, bukan shj menentang keahlian Palestina ke dlm UNESCO & menyokong sepenuh-nya negara haram Israel, malah USA turut me-motong dana ke UNESCO. yare2x~

Allah subhanahu wa taa’la Knows Best

McDonald & Coke Products.

Hello & Salamun A’laikum – QS 06:54
In The Name Of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Wah! Baru2x ni di Page Aqsa Syarif di Facebook rancak dgn ajakan utk kita mem-boikot barangan2x y mampu mem-beri kekuatan sumber ke-wang-an kpd Yahudi Zionis di Israel.

Ya, dlm byk2x barangan y boleh di-boikot, McDonald dan Coke Products antara y telah lama ada d Malaysia.

Penulis amat-lah sgt ber-setuju & ber-sama2x dgn apa y di-bawa oleh Aqsa Syarif.

Secara jujur-nya, dulu2x penulis juga sgt minat utk mem-beli barangan drpd ke-dua2x-nya. Lebih2x lagi McDonald, ter-amat-lah suka utk memakan French Fries-nya. .yummy~

Tapi, setelah faham apa y telah ber-laku & kebenaran di-sebalik ke-untung-an hasil perniagaan barangan ter-sebut menguat-kan lagi Yahudi Zionis utk kekal ber-tapak di Bumi Palestin, penulis mula ber-henti.

Benar, penulis sudah pun ber-henti mem-beli brangan Coke malah tidak men-jengah pun ke McDonald. Mungkin dgn nama lain, ‘boikot’ . Kdg2x org tidak boleh terima dgn ‘boikot’ ni. Alhamdulillah, penulis me-rupa-kan pengamal perubatan, memg faham keburukan memakan makanan Fast Food & minuman ber-karbonat y tinggi kandungan gula-nya. Nah! Tak usah-lah nak rosak-kan kesihatan tubuh badan dgn barang2x ter-sebut. Itu pun me-madai utk ‘ber-henti’!

Tetapi, bagus juga di-samping itu me-mahami utk tidak menyokong Yahudi Zionis dgn berhenti/mem-boikot barangan mereka. 😉

Allah subhanahu wa taa’la Knows Best.